For those of you who have followed me on Instagram, you know that I am one for following the rhythms of the moon and find intuitive inspiration and creative guidance from my collection of tarot cards. As such, I thought it fitting to share them here with you as these reflections are a big influence in what guides Wolf & Faun's creativity, and maybe you'll find some of my musings speaks to you as well. So with that in mind, I take a step out of my comfort zone and offer you this offering from my authentic self.
The New Moon this Friday is an important one. It falls on the Lunar Imbolc, which some of you may know as one of the natural holy-days related to the transition of Winter to Spring. It's the time when the energy of the world starts to reawaken and hints of new life amidst the cold make promise of the warmer days and dynamic energy that's coming just around the corner. Symbolically, this is a time to pull from the inner wisdom gained over the quiet withdrawn Winter months and plan how we are going to put it into action in our creative lives. It's time to start planting seeds so that they may germinate. It's time to spark your inner fire.
New Moons have a similar energy to them. They represent the new potential and new beginnings. They are the start of a new cycle. It's the time to set out your goals for the month ahead and take a moment to check in with yourself and let your intuition guide you on your next projects and endeavors.
So basically the New Moon combined with the Lunar Imbolc is one big giant ball of new beginnings and potential to consider. How do you want your next cycle of the moon and the earth around the sun to look like?
For this time I pulled the Page of Sword for a source of insight and guidance.
Swords are associated with mental energy, and creativity. The Page represents action, learning and youthful idealistic energy. While sometimes naive or immature the Page will act with a freedom, where wary maturity and duty to responsibilities and position may hold back. Sometimes you need to forge ahead and have the freedom to experiment, and take chances to see where it will take you. Sometimes it's prudent to not be prudent. Sometimes you need to give yourself the space to swing your sword in practice and see what happens and learn a few new moves and what works for you... or what doesn't. Give yourself permission to explore in a wide open space with many directions to travel.
That's what this New Moon and Imbolc are all about. Give yourself permission to plan some new experiments, take chances, and move out and around your comfort zone with your creativity and projects you've toyed with trying. This is not the time to stick with what you know or the safe bets.
This may mean learning a new technique or pushing yourself into experimenting with designs that don't fall under your usual style. It may mean trying new business or creative ventures or collaborating in new ways with new people. Think new colours, new crafts, new skills, new connections. Where are you feeling pulled? Where is your curiosity guiding you?
For myself, I have wanted to experiment more with design styles and new ways of getting my designs out into the world. I'm also experimenting with writing here and delivering these messages on a public stage in this way. It's a little out of my comfort zone but I'm letting my curiosity and intuition lead the way. I'm also just about to embark on a new design for a new collaboration and the Page of Swords is reminding me to not hold back...do not take the road always traveled. Take the time to really wander around in the possibilities and potential and see where my intuitive and curiosity take me.
Imbolc is a time of waking up, sparking creativity, reviewing the goals you've made at Winter Solstice and deciding what you need to put into action to make those goals happen. It's about celebrating your talents and sharing them. I plan on spending time with loved ones reviewing our collective plans for the year ahead and spending some communal time crafting and creating with friends and my love. The New Moon is a perfect time to clear away clutter, organize, plan, set intentions and get your space and mind ready for new projects to come.
How will you be celebrating? What projects are you thinking about starting? What new directions are you thinking of exploring?
On a much bigger stage, I think this message comes at an important time, when collectively, we have been experiencing great threat with the past election results and we have and will continue to face challenges to express ourselves and create effective change in the face of great opposition. We've had the Winter to reflect on what this means for us all. We've had the Winter to realize just how bad things can get as we continue to see hate, racism, misogyny, and environmental abuse bubble up all around. Things are going to get harder. Not easier. We've had time to reflect, go inwards, prepare ourselves. Now is time for us to ignite. The old ways of doing things isn't going to serve us anymore and we as a community need to come together to find new creative ways to protest and protect. It's not an accident the Pussy Hat Project is happening now... and we will continue to fine new and radical ways to gather, express and manifest our commitments to love, peace, community, rights and justice. Do you feel it? Can you feel the beginnings of all that potential? How can we help it grow? How do we want this next trip around the sun to look like?
New Moon Blessings!
Nat Raedwulf
Wolf & Faun
Tarot Deck Featured: The Pagan Otherworlds By Uusi